Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dilemma #2

November 1804

Winter is upon you. The depth of the snow is about 18 inches. The temperature plunges below zero. Around 8 o’clock in the morning, a Mandan tribesman from the other side of the lake calls to you to report something of significance.
You send a pirogue to fetch him and the Mandan reports the following:
“five men of the Mandan nation out hunting in a SW direction about eight leagues, was surprised by a large party of Seeoux [Sioux] & Panies [Arikaras], one man was killed and two wounded with arrows and nine horses taken.”
-from the journals of William Clark,
November 30, 1804

Peace is important in the area; this gives you an exceptional opportunity to show your support for the Mandans and to display the firepower of the United States.

You and 23 men cross the river approaching the Mandan nation. They are surprised at the size of the party of men that has come to meet them. You discuss the events that have occurred and offer to help the Mandans pursue – with your weapons – the Native Americans who killed one of their young chiefs.

The Chief is not interested. Do you seek revenge of the Mandans and go after the Sioux and Airkaras anyway?


  1. November 1804- I think we shouldn’t because we are way out numbered. We could die in a matter of seconds. I don’t think the Mandan Indians would be happy if more of their people would die from poor judgment. If the Mandan Indians lose more of their tribe members they would go and fight with the other tribe and most likely get killed and their tribe would be no more. We wouldn’t have won so it would be pointless to go and fight.

    Blue Group- Shania, Kalei, Jacob, and Jaret

  2. We think that we should not seek revenge to the chief and just keep moving foward because we cannot risk to loose anybody in our group because of revenge.

  3. Hailei’s thoughts- yes go kill
    Austin’s thoughts- no leave them to die
    Tristan’s thoughts- just attack and kill few not all.
    Corus decision – attack
    Lewis and Clarks decision- not to attack Indians
    Tristan’s thoughts on decision- I think it was a good idea.

  4. we decided not to fight and we decided to send a peace party to make peace. Lewis and Clark did not fight them.
